We live in a world that is constantly changing. The younger generations have grown up with computer technology from the time they were born. It comes naturally to them.
We want technology to come naturally to everyone. Our objective, at The Bridge To Now, is to enable the generations who have built this country to continue to contribute. They should not feel as though they have been "phased out" just because the tools they grew up with may have been.
About us
We are High school students who have been lucky enough to be growing up with a very close relationship with each of our Grandparents and Great Aunts and Uncles. We have a strong admiration for them and their generation. The people of their time built this country and we all have much to learn from them still. Our older brother started The Bridge To Now to be here to help them understand how to use the current methods of technology which have revolutionized the way we communicate and do business today.
We offer this service FREE of CHARGE. It is our way of saying thank you for all you have done in your lives to give my generation so many of the opportunities that we now have in ours.
We are here to help you:
What We Do and How do we do it?
We use ZOOM, to hold meeting's every Monday and Wednesday at 4 P.M. (Times are subject to change, so keep checking in.)
Each day we will address a different topic and answer the valuable questions people have. To join in our meetings register below.